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Public Exhibitions

Since our online exhibition in March 2022 where we presented our preliminary plans for a wind farm on land at Mynydd Maen, between Cwmbran and Newbridge, we have been refining the design in response to feedback received and ongoing surveys and assessments.

As part of our ongoing consultation, we held public exhibitions, in June 2023, in the local area, to present and gather feedback on the updated plans for the wind farm.

The closing date for comments was 7th July 2023. Comments will still be accepted after this date but may not be considered in relation to the design development, please contact us for more information.

All information provided at the public exhibitions is available to view below.


About the Project

RES is currently consulting on its plans for a proposed wind farm at Mynydd Maen, between Cwmbran and Newbridge.

The proposed site lies within a Pre-Assessed Area for Wind Energy identified in Future Wales: The National Plan 2040 published by Welsh Government in February 2021. In Pre-Assessed Areas the Welsh Government has already modelled the likely impact on the landscape and has found them to be capable of accommodating renewable energy development in an acceptable way with a presumption in favour of large-scale wind energy development.

It is anticipated that the site would be capable of generating up to 54.6MW of clean, low-cost electricity, enough to power around 55,0001 homes. The project could make a positive contribution to the Wales Energy Strategy, which has a target of Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales’ consumption by 2030.

Click on image to enlarge


Design Layout and Infrastructure

Over the past months we have been refining the design layout, taking into consideration feedback from the local community and stakeholders, as well as the results of site surveys and assessments. 

The updated proposal is for 13 turbines up to 149.9m tall.  This is a reduction of 2 turbines as presented on our preliminary layout in March 2022.The turbine locations are designed around various constraints, including proximity to properties, topography, watercourses, telecommunication links, sensitive habitats, overhead electricity lines and underground gas mains.

In addition to the wind turbines and foundations, the site infrastructure is expected to include:

  • hardstand areas for erection cranes at each turbine location
  • a series of onsite tracks and turning heads
  • a substation compound containing a control building and communications mast
  • a temporary construction compound

Click on image to enlarge


Traffic and Transport

Turbine deliveries are a key phase in the construction of any wind farm. We have been undertaking swept path, pinch point and traffic volume analysis to assess route options and help minimise any potential impacts.

The preferred site access point and turbine delivery route are shown on the map to the right.

A transport assessment will be undertaken as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and, if the wind farm is given consent, a detailed Traffic Management Plan will be agreed in consultation with local residents, the highways authorities and the police.

On the design layout and infrastructure plan, the location of 3 potential borrow pits are shown. Using materials available on site and sourcing construction materials locally, where reasonably practicable, will help reduce traffic movements.


Click on image to enlarge


Environmental Considerations

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is being undertaken to investigate any significant potential effects of the development on the environment and, where applicable, identify mitigation measures to eliminate or reduce potential effects.

The EIA will include assessment of the following:

Ecology - We take the protection of the site and surrounding area’s ecology seriously. The non-avian Ecology Impact Assessment will involve a range of studies including habitats, protected species, notable species (e.g. national and European Protected Species) and locally protected species.

Ornithology - Avoiding impacts on bird species, wherever possible, is an important factor in the design of the site. Baseline ornithological survey work has been undertaken for a minimum of two years, during breeding and non-breeding seasons to build our understanding of the species on site.

Electro Magnetic Interference - This section of the EIA assesses any potential television and telecommunications effects associated with the development.

Hydrology - The Hydrology Assessment will seek to identify sensitive water environment features, assessing potential impacts and proposing mitigation where required.

Landscape and Visual - The landscape and visual impact assessment considers the potential effects of the project on landscape character and visual amenity within a study area up to 15 km from the site. Several visualisations have been produced for this exhibition to help give an impression of what the proposal may look like from local viewpoints.

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - The Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment will identify cultural heritage assets that may be subject to significant impacts, both on the site and within 5km of the proposed turbines.

Socio-economics - The Socio-economic chapter shows the result of analysis of the estimated quantifiable benefits of the construction and operational phases of the project - concentrating on employment, Gross Value Added and wages, as well as assessing fiscal and further benefits.

Noise - Noise is an important consideration, and the wind farm will be designed to comply with strict noise limits set by the Local Authorities should the project be granted consent.

Shadow Flicker - The Mynydd Maen Wind Farm proposal is being designed in a way that will minimise any potential for shadow flicker. Shadow flicker can be easily modelled and mitigated in a number of ways.


Zone of Theoretical Visibility

The Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) map to the right illustrates the theoretical extent of where turbines will be visible from within the wider area, assuming 100% visibility and bare landform (without any trees, buildings or obstacles in the view).

This map serves as a tool to inform the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA). Landscape and visual considerations, including effects on residential visual amenity from the closest properties, will be carefully assessed and play a key role in the progression of the design.

Click on image to enlarge


What Would the Wind Farm Look Like?

We have produced indicative visualisations to help give an impression of what the wind farm could look like from a number of different viewpoints in the area. Click on the links to view.

Viewpoint 2 - Prescoch Lane, Penyrhoel

Viewpoint 6 - Twmbarlwm Hill Fort

Viewpoint 13 -  Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Walk/Mynydd Bach

Viewpoint 17 - Ridgeway, Newport

Viewpoint 26 - Cwmbran Town Centre

Viewpoint 27 - Pantygasseg

Viewpoint 37 - Royal Crescent, Treowen/Treowen Park


Why Wind?

Low-cost electricity - Onshore wind, together with large scale solar, is the cheapest form of electricity generation2. It can be deployed quickly and delivered at lower costs than offshore wind, hydro, marine technologies, and nuclear.

If consented, the Mynydd Maen Wind Farm scheme would be capable of generating enough clean, low-cost renewable electricity for approximately 55,000 homes based on the current design presented at this exhibition. With the rising cost of living and climate change emergency, it is imperative that we deliver electricity efficiently and at the lowest cost to the consumer.

Energy security - Wind energy is a free and inexhaustible resource which has an important role to play as part of a balanced energy mix. It increases energy security by reducing our reliance on imports and is not subject to sudden price fluctuations or the uncertainty of global markets.

Net zero carbon targets - Wales was the first country in the world to declare a climate emergency and has set out in law, its intention to achieve net zero by 2050, but has committed to continue to do all it can to get there sooner. The Wales Energy Strategy, has a target of Welsh renewables to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales’ consumption by 2030. Onshore wind will play an important role in helping achieve these targets.

Tackling climate change - Whilst temperature and weather patterns have naturally fluctuated throughout history, scientists now agree that there is “unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate” not seen in the past 10,000 years and that “human activity is the principal cause.”3 Rapidly melting ice sheets, accelerated rises in sea levels and ocean warming, longer droughts, more frequent floods, wildfires and tropical storms are just some of the devastating effects of climate change seen across the globe which are affecting humans and other species.

Garreg Lwyd Wind Farm, Powys - for illustrative purposes only


Working with the Local Supply Chain

RES has a strong track-record of working closely with the local supply chain around its projects and maximising inward investment opportunities wherever possible.

Mynydd Maen Wind Farm has the potential to deliver approximately £3.6 million to the local area in the form of jobs, employment, and the use of local services.

RES is keen to hear from local businesses who are interested in learning more about the opportunities associated with the construction and operation of this project. Please contact us for more information.

During the construction of Garreg Lwyd Wind Farm, Powys, RES appointed a local civil engineering company, Jones Bros, resulting in the project generating some £15 million inward investment, all of which was spent within Mid and North Wales with £3 million invested in the immediate Powys area.

Over 21 further local companies, suppliers and accommodation providers were utilised, and the project also sustained employment for 95 people all of whom were from within 70 miles of the site.  In addition, Jones Bros were able to add seven apprentices, to their annual training programme, as a direct result of the wind farm contract.


Turbine deliveries at Garreg Lwyd Wind Farm, Powys - for illustrative purposes only


RES in Wales

RES has been at the forefront of wind energy development for over 40 years and delivered more than 23GW of renewable energy projects worldwide. We employ more than 2,500 passionate people across the globe and are active in 11 countries, working across onshore and offshore wind, solar, energy storage, green hydrogen, transmission and distribution.

RES is a privately-owned company with a proud history in Wales. We grew out of Sir Robert McAlpine, a British family-owned firm with over 140 years of experience in construction and engineering.

RES has been active in Wales since the early 1990s, operating from offices in Cardiff.

RES has developed a range of projects across Wales including the 34MW Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm in Powys, which generated £15 million investment into the Welsh economy, during the construction phase.

RES currently operates over 70MW of onshore wind and solar projects across Wales including the Pen Bryn Oer Wind Farm in Rhymney, Caerphilly.

Click on image to enlarge


Please note that comments submitted to RES at this time are not representations to the determining authority (Planning and Environment Decisions Wales). There will be an opportunity to submit representations to the determining authority should an application be made.



1 The homes figure has been calculated by taking the predicted annual electricity generation of the site (based on RS assessments Mynydd Maen has a predicted capacity factor of 41.7%) and dividing this by the annual average electricity figures from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) showing that the annual UK average domestic household consumption is 3,509kWh (Dec 2022).

2 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6556027d046ed400148b99fe/electricity-generation-costs-2023.pdf

3 NASA (https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/).